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Feedback as a recipe for professional burnout in CC?

How to deal with burnout in the Contact Center?

            Wypalenie zawodowe dotyka wielu pracownik, szczególnie tych, którzy na co dzie? pracuj? w du?ym stresie. Zaczyna si? cz?sto bardzo niewinnie ? od poczucia poddenerwowania, przej?ciowych k?opotów w pracy czy demotywacji do dzia?ania. Coraz wi?cej osób otwarcie mówi o tym, ?e jest zestresowana. Twierdz? oni, ?e posiadaj? olbrzymi problem ze znalezieniem sposobu na pozbycie si? tego uczucia. Bran?a Contact Center jest nara?ona na stresogenne sytuacje, dlatego niezmiernie wa?ne jest zrozumienie zjawiska wypalenia zawodowego i tego w jaki sposób mo?na zmniejszy? jego wyst?powanie w?ród pracowników.

What does professional burnout depend on?

            You cannot raise the issue of professional burnout without specifying what stress is. It is an inseparable part of everyone's life. Recently, more and more people openly say that they live or work in stressful conditions. It is often associated pejoratively - as something only bad and something that makes life difficult. However, it cannot only be seen in this way. We are not able to completely get rid of stress from our lives, it is something that will always accompany us. It is very important to learn to live with it and control it so that it does not significantly affect our well-being. A person who becomes resistant to stress to some extent can try to use it as a motivation to act, which provides additional energy to perform tasks.

What is professional burnout?

            Occupational burnout is most often compared to the English term "burn out syndrome", which means "a syndrome resulting from chronic stress in the workplace that has not been effectively controlled."

The most common cause of professional burnout is time pressure and excessively high demands on the employee. Of course, raising the proverbial "bar" is one of the best ways to motivate, but it should be done skillfully, properly checking the skills and capabilities of a given person beforehand, as well as their sensitivity. The requirements for people working on the handset, especially in terms of working time and the number of tasks, are extremely high. In such circumstances, the lack of clearly defined goals and instructions can have a significant impact on the psyche and lower the employee's motivation

It is very important that:

– fully explain the implementation of the entrusted task, so that everything is clear and transparent,

– set a solid time frame,

– provide the consultant with almost immediate feedback!

Good training is essential!

            An important element in our work is training new people. Training is prepared by experienced people who used to work on the handset themselves. They teach not only strictly dry theory, but also focus on softer aspects so that the new person feels fully prepared for work. We know how important the right approach to new employees is. We are also aware that the first weeks of work are the most stressful, because it is an unfamiliar environment for a new consultant. We try to exclude stress at the first stages of work, which may later result in professional burnout. We want everyone entering the Call Center world to feel safe in it.

Feedback as the key to success!

            It is also important for us to carry out feedback quickly and efficiently, i.e. frequent briefings and auditions. Thanks to this, the consultant knows what mistakes he makes and can quickly implement new actions. Every day, each of the employees on the handset undergoes such a briefing. During it, he can tell the coordinator that he does not feel well or does not understand the goal being performed. At this point, the supervisor will adjust the goal for the day for the employee. The fact that someone has one bad day cannot affect the whole month of his work. We try to adapt to the employee and help him overcome difficulties at work, so that he does not feel stress and copes confidently in what he does. Our proprietary Media Portal program has many functionalities. While creating it, we also focused on facilitating giving feedback to consultants, so that everything was clearly explained. We strived to ensure that both the consultant, the leader and the auditing person had quick access to the assessment coming from the audit of a given employee. We want each party to be able to comment on it and have a real impact on it. In this way, we give the consultant the opportunity to check the audits of his conversations and respond to them. This gives them a sense of being able to respond and understand their case.

            Professional burnout is a phenomenon that can affect each employee. Its occurrence is independent of the position held, the composition of the team or the amount of earnings. It is even more threatening for people whose work depends on helping others and generates more stress. It is extremely important that both the employer and the employee adequately protect themselves and others against the harmful effects of occupational burnout. Can you fight this phenomenon? in many ways. It is very important that the old you? All right? appropriate actions to the specifics of work and people. Please check carefully where is the problem and try? help him? A tailor-made approach, setting goals and clearly defined conditions can significantly improve well-being of the employee. You can never underestimate disturbing symptoms. An open conversation can be the key to solving many problems before stressful situations arise, which in the future may lead to would? threatening both for the employee and the employer. Cooperation is the basis, and the right approach can ensure good work results.
