

Net Promoter Score necessary indicator

to build a strong position in the market.



Customer satisfaction is a key element

affecting the financial result of the company.

That's why more and more entrepreneurs

are focusing on customer loyalty activities.



Research telephone

Research SMS

Research on devices mobile

Research online

Get to know your customers and find out what their attitude towards your company is! Customer satisfaction is the key to business success!

How does NPS work?

People invited to the survey rate the product or service on a scale of 0 to 10.

After answering, they are divided into three groups:

Promoters (Rating 9-10)

The client is happy to recommend your company, he actually loves her. He appreciates the quality and service he receives.

Neutral (Rating 7-8)

The customer himself will not recommend services, but it will not spoil the reputation of the company either. He is willing to go to the competition if a good opportunity arises. It is very price sensitive.

Critics (0-6 rating)

The customer is simply dissatisfied with the product and service. A dissatisfied customer that can turn into a critic. They will not use your product/services and will even start discouraging others from using it.

Act, measure and succeed!

How to get NPS score?

1. We send an NPS survey to the target group

2. We collect the answers obtained

3. We divide the answers according to ratings - groups of Promoters, Indifferents, Critics

4. We calculate the percentage of each group

5. We get NPS by subtracting % Detractors from % Promoters

Why is it worth introducing NPS to the customer service process?

has a positive impact on the company's financial result

allows you to easily compare the company against the competition

A satisfied customer will recommend your company,
niezadowolony Klient - zrobi Ci czarny PR?

Research implementation process:

Step 1

We choose the form of communication with the client (telephone, online, mobile application, SMS)

Step 2

We create a question module for surveys at the client's request

Step 3

We set research indicators

Step 4

We prepare analytical reports

Step 5

We make research tests

Step 6

We provide the client with current results every day

How do we do it?

The purpose of the study is to evaluate the consultant's conversation, the content provided during the conversation and the benefits of the offer.

An important element of the assessment is also the consultant's ability to conduct a conversation and the impressions that the consultant recorded in the client's memory.

In this case study, all conversations with clients are evaluated.

The results of the obtained assessments are also used to supervise the competences of consultants on an ongoing basis. 

All conversations with negative evaluations are verified each time by the quality department. 

Conclusions drawn from the audit are implemented in the consultant's training program.

Step 1 - SMS to the Customer

The SMS is sent to the client with a delay of up to one minute after the consultant selects a specific closing status indicated by the partner. The message is sent without the agent's knowledge.

Step 2 - Response provided by the Customer

The customer sends back an SMS with the evaluation of the conversation and a comment if the customer provides one. The message sent by the Customer goes to the database.

Step 3 - Customer Rating Report per survey

Based on the answers provided by the client, automatic statistical reports on surveys, reminders and agent effectiveness are prepared.

Step 4 - Customer evaluation report per Agent

The system automatically generates an agent evaluation report.

Step 5 - NPS Assessment

Calculation of the NPS value based on the collected data. Learn more about NPS from our Biznes na Headphones channel!