Call Center

Is remote work by phone the same as Call Center?

Praca zdalna upowszechni?a si? w trakcie pandemii Covid-19. Coraz wi?cej pracownik oczekuje mo?liwo?ci wykonywania swoich obowi?zków z domu ? chocia?by w ramach telepracy. Wielu osobom taka forma pracy kojarzy si? z Call Center. Czym wyró?nia si? praca w bran?y CC w porównaniu z teleprac? i prac? zdaln??

The development of technology has made working with the use of ICT tools an interesting alternative to coming to the office every day. When you hear about working over the phone, Call Center immediately comes to mind. Why is it like that? The Call Center is the main place of work where customers are served by telephone. Call Center employees can handle both incoming and outgoing calls (it depends on the type of project being handled). The consultant's tasks most often include the sale and offer of products or services, extending contracts, assistance in the event of a breakdown (so-called helpdesk), accepting complaints, and even arranging new customers for meetings with sales representatives.

Today, work in a Call Center is not only about customer service over the phone. Instead of a handset, consultants very often also support chats on websites, e-mail, video contact, or even classic text messages. The concept of a classic Call Center has become insufficient for customer service in accordance with the latest trends and technology. For this reason, there is more and more talk about the Contact Center industry, which is to be a platform giving consultants many more opportunities to reach customers.

Interesting Contact Center features include:

● surveys sent to customers immediately after the conversation with the consultant [satisfaction survey or NPS]

● automatic callback to the client who rejected the call,

● directing the call to the same consultant with whom the client spoke,

and many many other systems and solutions that we have at Media System.

Efficient and experienced Contact Center offers countless possibilities of Customer Service.

A good tool useful for work in Call Centers and Contact Centers is the so-called telemarketing. This is one of the possibilities of direct marketing, which consists in telephone contact with current or potential customers. Telemarketing can be used to implement many projects. It enables, among others, providing information and assistance on the hotline, selling products and services, accepting orders, accepting complaints, conducting market analyzes and research, as well as arranging meetings with potential customers. 

Coming back to the title question - working over the phone is difficult to call a fully-fledged Call Center. This is due to a different work system. The essence of the Call Center is to base customer service on advanced IT systems and procedures that enable efficient contact and information flow. One of them is, for example, CRM. On the other hand, technology makes it possible to combine work in the Call Center with telework and remote work. It was a particularly popular and practical solution during the Covid-19 pandemic, when for the safety of employees, a large part of them had the opportunity to work from home.
