From the life of MediaSystem

Fruit Friday - or a trip to Hawaii? So are the benefits still attractive?

Dzia?ania zwi?zane z employer brandingiem, czyli kreowaniem pozytywnego wizerunku pracodawcy, powinny na sta?e wpisa? si? w grafik przy planowaniu dzia?a? zespo? marketingowych i HRowych. Istniej?cy obecnie rynek pracownika, wynikaj?cy z bardzo niskiego bezrobocia, sprzyja wysokiej rotacji pracowników oraz mniejszym poczuciem zaanga?owania. Jak temu zaradzi?? Dzia?ania zwi?zane z employer brandingiem zewn?trznym ju? nie wystarcz?. To co dzieje si? wewn?trz firmy jest g?ównym magnesem dla pracowników.

Call Center – a unique industry

The difficulty in finding a new employee makes it much more profitable to build a permanent team of committed employees and ensure a high level of satisfaction of those already employed. What can influence their motivation? It is a known fact that the most important aspects for an employee will always be: remuneration, duties and working conditions. However, the Call Center industry is characteristic in this respect. Very often, people who are just entering the labor market start with the phone. Generation Z treats money not as an end in itself, but as a way to realize their aspirations and ambitions. In addition, he expects consistency between the values he professes and those of the company in which he works. And all non-wage benefits are nothing more than the opportunity to create a well-coordinated team at work and, above all, a friendly atmosphere - in which everyone will fulfill themselves and thus achieve their goals.

Fruit Fridays - benefit or embarrassment?

Brak alternatywnego tekstu dla tego zdj?cia

Benefit, benefit not equal. Companies are outdoing each other in inventing newer and newer forms of "pleasing" their employees. Many of them lose their attractiveness in the eyes of potential candidates. So how to break this trend? We should reach for solutions that are individual, which will not only improve the mood of the team, but also have a real impact on the health and condition of employees. But above all, solutions that are authentic and consistent with the company's values!

Fruit Friday - or a trip to Hawaii?  

Brak alternatywnego tekstu dla tego zdj?cia
Brak alternatywnego tekstu dla tego zdj?cia

People quickly get used to good things, which is why no one in the company was surprised by fruit Fridays! That's why we made a Tropical Party in the middle of the company! On the Swedish table there were not only various fruits, but also cold drinks with palm trees, lemonades, decorations. At Chillout, deckchairs were put up and Hawaiian music blared. And all employees, apart from fruit, received sunglasses with the company's logo and Boa flowers around their necks!

Brak alternatywnego tekstu dla tego zdj?cia

The event had a positive impact on the motivation of both the younger generations and veterans of working on the handset, for whom the event was a form of thanks for their daily work and an escape from their duties.

Brak alternatywnego tekstu dla tego zdj?cia

The event was very popular among employees, who on a hot day could cool down with cold lemonade and hydrate themselves with exotic, juicy fruits during breaks.

After such a break, they returned to the position exceptionally rested and fresh, thanks to which the quality of their work was higher. The holiday event effectively mitigated the effects of the hot weather outside the window.
